
Fsdb is a python implementation of a content addressable storage, it is designed to work with a huge number of big files and it will use your filesystem in a smart way.

Fsdb is the right library for every one that doesn’t want to store big files on his database.

Fsdb will works alongside your favorite database, it will help you to easily store and manage files while your database will handle metadata managment.

Quick start


Fsdb is available on PyPI so you can easily install through pip

pip install Fsdb


from fsdb import Fsdb

#create new fsdb instance
myFsdb = Fsdb("/tmp/fsdbRoot")

#add file
file_digest = myFsdb.add("/path/to/an/existing/file")

#control if file exists
if file_digest in myFsdb:
    # file exists

#get file object

#get file path

#check file integrity

#remove file


There are two ways to configure fsbd:
  • passing arguments to class constructor Fsdb.__init__()
  • editing the json config file

The config file must be in the fsdb root folder with name `.fsdb.conf` and must be written in a valid json syntax

config name type default value description
depth int 3 number of levels to use for directory tree
hash_alg string “sha1” name of the hash algorithm to use for file digest
fmode string “0660” permissions mask to use in files creation
dmode string see dmode permissions mask to use in folders creation


If dmode is not provided, the default value will be used. The default value for dmode will be calculated from the fmode, It will inherit all permissions from fmode and for every role that has read permission will be setted also the execute permission.

Path example


you shouldn’t make any assumption about fsdb paths structure. The following explanation is for illustrative purpose only.

If you add a file with the following sha1sum to an fsdb instance with a configured depth level of 3


The file will be placed in
